Friday, June 4, 2010

Camden is finally sleeping!

So for 7 months I have been getting up with Camden during the night every 3 hours or less. I am so tired, he is so tired so something had to change. I asked around for some different advice. The most popular idea was letting him cry it out "CIO". This was very hard for me because he is such a fussy baby I try to stop his crying as soon as it starts. We also were cosleeping and this meant he would be moved to his crib. He was already napping in his crib so I knew that would not be a problem for him. And his crib is right next to my bed but I have loved sleeping right next to him for the past 7 months. So night one we told him we love him put him to bed and left the room. He cried. After 5 minutes I went in and patted him for 1 minute and then left the room. He then cried 10 minutes so I went in patted and left. Then 15 minutes of crying, went in and patted. From then on I was going to go in every 15 minutes. However by the next 15 minute mark he was asleep which was 10:55. The next thing we knew it was 6:20AM!!!! He slept through the night on the first night. He woke up long enough to eat and then slept another 3 hours. Night 2 we went in at 5 min and 10 min and he was asleep before we went back in at the 15 min check. He slept from 10-4 and 5-7:35. We left him playing in bed from 4-5. Now night 3 I didn't go in because I wanted to see how long it would take. Each time the 2 nights before I went in it really upset him when I left again. So it took him 17 min and he was asleep. He slept from 10:15-3:15 then played in bed until 4:45 and woke up at 8:40. We still get to cuddle and love on him and then we just lay him down. I am glad we finally are getting to sleep at night.

He woke up with 4 paci's and turned his music on with his feet!

1 comment:

  1. Sooo glad it went well! And I love the 4 paci's pic...that could be Drew! I space them all around the crib so wherever he wakes up he can find a paci quick - LOL!
